SDK Requirements

Remember to familiarize yourself with our image input guidelines!

Minimum development environment requirements

  • Android gradle version 4.0.0

  • Compile SDK version 29 and up.

  • Target SDK version 29 and up.

  • Minimum SDK version 23.

Minimum device requirements:

  • Android OS 6.0

  • Camera component capable of at least 720p capture.

Supported architectures:

  • armeabi-v7a

  • arm64-v8a

  • x86

  • x86_64

Sybrin Android SDK's are not expected to work properly on android emulators.

Estimated size

When the Sybrin Biometrics Android SDK is implemented it will add to the app's total size. The exact size increase will depend on, but are not limited to, features implemented and the architecture that the app is built on.

Total expected size increase is between 90MB and 110MB.

This amount changes for each individual module respectively:


Estimated minimum

Estimated maximum

Liveness Detection



Facial Comparison



Facial Recognition



Last updated

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