Get Started

The Sybrin Biometrics SDK can be used to capture and verify various biometric data such as liveness detection and facial comparison. Implementing the SDK is as easy as importing it into your dependencies list within you project. In this section we will focus on how to get the Sybrin Biometrics SDK into your project.

Before you begin

In your project-level build.gradle file, make sure to include the following maven tag inside the repositories tag.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = ''
            credentials {
                username "sybrin-innovations"
                password "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"


To avoid compression of the machine learning model in the facial recognition module the following aaptOption is needed within the android tag. The android tag can be found in the app level build.gradle

android {
    aaptOptions {
        noCompress "tflite"

Add the following compile options to android tag within the modules app-level build.gradle file.

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Next, add the dependency for the entire Sybrin Android Biometrics SDK to your module's app-level build.gradle file under dependencies

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.sybrin-innovations:sybrin-android-sdk-biometrics:1.3.8'

Importing sub-modules

The Sybrin Biometrics Android SDK is split into three separate modules. You can import the specific module(s) you need to reduce the size of your app by not implementing unnecessary components.

Implementing Liveness Detection module

    implementation 'com.github.sybrin-innovations.sybrin-android-sdk-biometrics:livenessdetection:1.3.8'

Implementing Facial Comparison Module

    implementation 'com.github.sybrin-innovations.sybrin-android-sdk-biometrics:facialcomparison:1.3.8'

Implementing Facial Recognition module

    implementation 'com.github.sybrin-innovations.sybrin-android-sdk-biometrics:facialrecognition:1.3.8'

Remember to add the aaptOptions to the app level build.gradle file to prevent compression of the facial recognition machine learning model!


You are now ready and setup to use Sybrin Biometrics! Check out all the Biometrics Features

Last updated

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