
A class derived from LivenessDetectionModel containing details specific to passive liveness detection


@objc final public class PassiveLivenessDetectionModel : LivenessDetectionModel {
    @objc final public var livenessConfidence: Float { get }
    override final public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

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Public variables

Public methods

Public variables


@objc final public var livenessConfidence: Float { get }

The liveness confidence of the passive liveness detection.

Range: 0 - 1

Due to the laws of physics and limitations that exists between humans and machines, values will rarely be exactly 1 or 0 but should not be discredited.

The closer the value is to 0 the more the subject is perceived to be a spoof. The closer the value is to 1 the more the subject is perceived to be genuine.

Public methods

encode(to encoder: Encoder)

override final public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

This function also calls its super function

Encodes the model using the encoder provided. Used to convert the model to JSON.

See also

Where this is used

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