
A base class conforming to the SybrinCommonConfiguration protocol containing configurable options


@objc final public class SybrinBiometricsConfiguration : NSObject, SybrinCommonConfiguration {
    @objc final public var license: String { get }
    @objc final public var overlayColor: UIColor
    @objc final public var overlayLabelTextColor: UIColor
    @objc final public var overlaySubLabelTextColor: UIColor
    @objc final public var overlayBorderColor: UIColor
    @objc final public var overlayBorderThickness: CGFloat
    @objc final public var overlayBorderLength: CGFloat
    @objc final public var overlayBlurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style
    @objc final public var overlayBlurIntensity: CGFloat
    @objc final public var customAuthorizationToken: String?
    @objc final public var cameraPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position
    @objc final public var environmentKey: String
    @objc final public var overlayBrandingTitleText: String
    @objc final public var overlayBrandingTitleColor: UIColor
    @objc final public var overlayBrandingSubtitleText: String
    @objc final public var overlayBrandingSubtitleColor: UIColor
    @objc final public var enableBackButton: Bool
    @objc final public var enableOfflinePassiveLiveness: Bool
    @objc final public var enableSwipeRightGesture: Bool
    @objc final public var showFlashButton: Bool
    @objc final public var correlationID: String?
    @objc final public var displayToastMessages: Bool
    @objc final public var saveImages: Bool
    @objc final public var capturedImageCountForTraining: Int?
    @objc final public var language: String?
    @objc public init(license: String)

Only relevant details are shown, boilerplate or standard Swift generated code is omitted


Public constructors

Public variables

Public constructors

init(license: String)

@objc public init(license: String)

Creates a new configuration with the specified license key.

The license key will be provided by Sybrin. Check out Licensing to find out how to get your key!

Public variables


@objc final public var license: String { get }

Returns the license key you initialized the configuration with.


@objc final public var overlayColor: UIColor

Changes the color of the overlay.

Default: UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.4)

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayLabelTextColor: UIColor

Changes the color of the top instruction message.

Default: UIColor(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlaySubLabelTextColor: UIColor

Changes the color of the bottom instruction message.

Default: UIColor(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBorderColor: UIColor

Changes the color of the border around the cutout.

Default: UIColor(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBorderThickness: CGFloat

Changes the thickness of the border around the cutout.

Default: 2

Setting this to 0 will disable the border

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBorderLength: CGFloat

Changes the length of the border around the cutout. Has no effect on this SDK.

Default: 0


@objc final public var overlayBlurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style

Changes the style of the blur applied to the overlay.

Default: UIBlurEffect.Style.dark

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBlurIntensity: CGFloat

Changes the intensity of the blur applied to the overlay. 1 being the most blur applied. 0 being no blur applied.

Default: 0.8

Setting this to 0 will disable the blur

Visual example:


@objc final public var customAuthorizationToken: String?

Specifies a custom authorization token to be used during the online calls within the SDK.

Default: nil


@objc final public var cameraPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position

Changes which camera will be used (front or back).

Default: AVCaptureDevice.Position.front


@objc final public var environmentKey: String

An encrypted key that changes the SDKs environment variables.


@objc final public var overlayBrandingTitleText: String

Changes the text of the top label (at the bottom of the screen).


Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBrandingTitleColor: UIColor

Changes the color of the top label (at the bottom of the screen).

Default: UIColor(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)

Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBrandingSubtitleText: String

Changes the text of the bottom label (at the bottom of the screen).


Visual example:


@objc final public var overlayBrandingSubtitleColor: UIColor

Changes the color of the bottom label (at the bottom of the screen).

Default: UIColor(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)

Visual example:


@objc final public var enableBackButton: Bool

Shows or hides the back button.

Default: true

Visual example:


@objc final public var enableOfflinePassiveLiveness: Bool

Enables if passive liveness should only capture image for later use.

Default: false


@objc final public var enableSwipeRightGesture: Bool

Enables or disables the swipe right to dismiss functionality.

Default: true


@objc final public var showFlashButton: Bool

Shows or hides the flash button.

Default: false

The flash button will only show (when enabled) if the flash is available (like on the back camera).

Visual example:


@objc final public var correlationID: String?

A unique user-generated value that associates the individual scan. This value can be used in customer journeys, to link multiple independent scans (for example, one execution of face compare and one execution of liveness) with each other as the same customer.

The user must manually set and control this value.

Default: nil


@objc final public var displayToastMessages: Bool

Determines if toast messages will be displayed to the UI.

Default: true


@objc final public var saveImages: Bool

Enables or disables if images are auto saved when captured.

Default: false


@obj final public var capturedImageCountForTraining: Int

Specifies the number of images captured for training on facial recognition.

Default: 4


@obj final public var language: String

Specifies the language used by the SDK strings

Default: system Language

Where this is used

Last updated