Load Model


func loadModel(
    for identifier: String, 
    success: SybrinBiometrics.loadModelSuccessCallbackType? = nil, 
    failure: SybrinBiometrics.failureCallbackType? = nil

To view all the type aliases, go to the SybrinBiometrics class

Handling the success or failure callbacks are optional but recommended.

Calling the function


Sybrin does not provide user management for the identifiers you train and recognize on your license key. The proper management and storage of unique identifiers is the sole responsibility of you as the developer.

Handling callback responses


The success callback will be executed after the session has finished and the view controller has been dismissed.



success: { (model) in
    print("Load model finished. Loaded model for \(model.identifier), it took \(model.timeTakenMilliseconds) milliseconds\(model.modelDownloaded ? " to download" : "")")


The failure callback will be executed after the session has failed and the view controller has been dismissed.


If you would like to report a bug, contact us!


failure: { (message) in
    print("Load model failed because \(message)")

Full Example

let identifier = "uniqueIdentifier"

SybrinBiometrics.shared.loadModel(for: identifier) { (model) in
    print("Load model finished. Loaded model for \(model.identifier), it took \(model.timeTakenMilliseconds) milliseconds\(model.modelDownloaded ? " to download" : "")")
} failure: { (message) in
    print("Load model failed because \(message)")

Last updated