
This component can be found under the Sybrin.Biometrics namespace and is called WizardComponent.

Full name: Sybrin.Biometrics.WizardComponent.

It is a component that wraps and orchestrates the rest of the biometrics components.

As the user interacts with components housed within the wizard component, it will automatically progress and keep track of steps.


The wizard component can be initialized using the following code:

<div id='wizard'></div>

The Sybrin Web SDK provides the option to either pass down the ID of the element you wish to use for component initialization, or to pass the element directly.

Please note that 'wizard' is just an example in this context and the ID may be changed as desired as long as it matches the value passed down during component initialization in JavaScript.

During initialization, the wizard component allows for a number of configuration options that may be passed down using an object literal. The parameters that may be used on the object include the following:


  • id (string): ID of the element you wish to use for component initialization. Not required if element is passed.

  • element (HTMLElement): Element you wish to use for component initialization. Not required if id is passed.

  • api (Sybrin.Identity.Api): Instance of a JavaScript API that may be pre-configured as desired. Not required if an instance of options is passed.

  • options (Sybrin.Identity.Options): Configuration options to instantiate Sybrin.Identity.Api with. Not required if an instance of api is passed.


  • correlationId (string): Unique identifier for the case that will be passed down to the back-end if set.

  • flowDirection (number): This property is used to control the flow direction of the guidelines window. 0 is left to right. 1 is right to left. Default 0

  • steps (string): A collection of strings to specify/override the steps that the wizard should display, as well as their order. The string values may be:

    • 'prepare' to specify the prepare component.

    • 'device-select' to specify the device select component. Please note that the wizard will automatically omit this step if the SDK detects that the user system only possesses one viable video input device.

    • 'liveness' to specify the passive liveness component.

    • 'result' to specify the result component.

  • readonlyMode (boolean): Disables all events if true. Default false.

  • translations ({ [key: string]: string }): An object literal representing a dictionary lookup that will be used for translating the component. Please see the translations section on this page for a list of all translatable text, as well as the localization page for a detailed description on how to implement localization.

Warning: Initialization will fail if the intended host element does not exist yet.

Always ensure that the initialize function is only called after the DOM is loaded.


The wizard component may be removed from the UI by calling the destroy() function on it.





initialize(): void

Initializes the component's DOM and events.


destroy(): void

Destroys the component's DOM and events.

Set Translations

setTranslations(translations?: { [key: string]: string; }): void

Changes the component's translations to the provided values and updates the DOM accordingly.

Set Correlation ID

setCorrelationId(value: string): void

Sets the component correlation ID (that will be provided to the JavaScript API and sent to the backend) to the provided value.

Get Current Step

getCurrentStep(): StepType

Gets the step that is currently active in the wizard. StepType is:

"prepare" | "device-select" | "liveness" | "result";


back(): void

Signals to the wizard to revert to the previous step.


next(): void

Signals to the wizard to proceed to the next step.

Set Flow Direction

setFlowDirection(flowDirection: FlowDirection): void

Changes the component's flow direction.


The wizard component offers multiple events. To hook onto an event, simply assign a function to it.

The following options are available:

  • onWizardDone(result: PassiveLivenessResult)

  • onBeforeStepChanged(oldStep: string, newStep: string)

  • onAfterStepChanged(oldStep: string, newStep: string)

  • onLivenessResult(result: PassiveLivenessResult)

  • onLivenessError(error: string)

  • onLivenessCancelled()

  • onBeforeLiveness()

  • onViewPrivacyPolicy()

  • onViewGuidelines()

On Wizard Done

This function is called when all wizard steps have been completed and a result was acquired without error. To hook onto the event, you may use the following code:

component.onWizardDone = function(result) {
    console.log('Alive: ', result.alive);
    console.log('Confidence: ', result.confidence);

The result parameter is of type PassiveLivenessResult and includes the following properties:

  • alive (boolean): Whether or not the liveness detection passed.

  • confidence (float): Confidence in liveness. 0 is no confidence. 1 is full confidence.

  • image (string): The image data in data URI format.

  • video (Blob): The video data in Blob format. Only included if the includeVideo property is set to true in configuration options.

A false result may include a spoof, failure to detect a face due to poor image quality, or any other expected failed workflow outcomes. Only exceptions such as failure to gain access to the camera would trigger the liveness error function.

On Before Step Changed

This function is called before the wizard changes to another step. This includes progressing forward or going back to a previous step. To hook onto the event, you may use the following code:

component.onBeforeStepChanged = function(oldStep, newStep) {
    console.log('The old step is: ', oldStep);
    console.log('The new step will be: ', newStep);

The oldStep parameter is of type string.

The newStep parameter is of type string.

On After Step Changed

This function is called after the wizard changed to another step. This includes progressing forward or going back to a previous step. To hook onto the event, you may use the following code:

component.onAfterStepChanged = function(oldStep, newStep) {
    console.log('The old step was: ', oldStep);
    console.log('The new step is: ', newStep);

The oldStep parameter is of type string.

The newStep parameter is of type string.

On Liveness Result

This event bubbles the onLivenessResult event up once it executes on the passive liveness component.

On Liveness Error

This event bubbles the onLivenessError event up once it executes on the passive liveness component.

On Liveness Cancelled

This event bubbles the onLivenessCancelled event up once it executes on the passive liveness component.

On Before Liveness

This event bubbles the onBeforeLiveness event up once it executes on the passive liveness component.

On View Privacy Policy

This event bubbles the onViewPrivacyPolicy event up once it executes on the prepare component.

On View Guidelines

This event bubbles the onViewGuidelines event up once it executes on the prepare component.


The wizard component is structured a follows:

<div class="sybrin-biometrics-wizard">
    <div class="sybrin-biometrics-wizard-viewport">

Since the wizard component has no visual elements by itself, no styling is necessary. Please style individual components housed within the wizard instead.


The translations provided to this component are in turn provided to the internal components hosted by it. Please see individual component translation sections for details on which translation keys are available to them, and also the localization section for an overview on available keys and how to make use of localization functionality.

Last updated

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