Release Notes
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1.16.42 - 2023/11/14
Updated the Identity Configuration to clear cache before replacing the default environment key with a custom key.
1.16.41 - 2023/11/10
Added Web OCR capabilities for the South African Greenbook, Passport and IDCard.
Updated the default environment variable for Identity and renewed the default Orchestration key.
1.16.8 - 2023/05/30
Fixed issue with parsing address for the Philippines Health Insurance Card
Fixed date format and date parsing for the Philippines Driver's License and Seafarer Identification Record Book
Added new cutout overlays for different document types. See [Setting a cutout for Generic Document].
1.16.7 - 2023/05/14
Fixed parsing issue with Philippines Drivers License Dates.
Increased the read and write timeout to 30 seconds.
1.16.6 - 2023/05/12
Removed white screen when opening camera for quick startup.
1.16.5 - 2023/05/05
Fixed the null return values scanning issue with the Philippines UMID Card
Fixed scanning issues with the Philippines Posta ID Card
1.16.4 - 2023/04/26
VERY IMPORTANT!!! If your app imports both Identity and Biometrics, if importing this version of Identity (1.16.4) also ensure that you update the Biometrics version or any its sub-modules to at least (1.3.4 or later)
Added Word Confidence for all parsed fields of the following Philippines documents:
Fixed the 401: unauthorized error when importing the SDK into a calling app.
Downgraded the Okhttp gradle dependency version to 3.14.9 (Subject to change in the near future as this is not the latest stable version).
We have resolved issues related to the scanning flow and made changes to the camera settings for improved performance. With this update, the camera will default to manual capture mode, which means that documents will no longer be automatically captured. Instead, you will need to click the camera button to capture and parse a document. This change provides greater control and accuracy when scanning documents, ensuring that you can capture exactly what you need without any unwanted captures
1.16.3 - 2023/03/29
Added loading screen to indicate when image is being uploaded to the OCR API.
1.16.2 - 2023/03/27
Migrated from on-device OCR to web based OCR for Philippines documents.
Switched to exclusively manual capture as the only method of obtaining images to OCR.
1.16.1 - 2022/11/23
Added back scanning for Philippines Drivers License.
1.16.0 - 2022/11/11
Added Manual Scanning for all documents.
Added scanning for Philippines QC Identification card.
1.15.4 - 2022/09/22
Fixed issue with motion detection on new samsung devices.
Improved scanning for Philippines Identification card.
1.15.3 - 2022/09/20
Fixed issue with Philippines Identification card throwing parser error when no text is in frame.
Lowered sampling rate for motion sensor (This will remove the need for HIGH SAMPLING RATE sensor permissions)
1.15.2 - 2022/09/09
Fixed issue with camera blur.
1.15.1 - 2022/08/16
Fixed Philippines Identity card bug when scanning the backside of the card.
1.15.0 - 2022/07/26
Added localization, supported languages can be found here.
Added documentBackImagePath field to Philippines Identification card.
1.14.3 - 2022/07/18
Added camera shutter sound after capturing each face of a document.
1.14.2 - 2022/06/23
Fixed overlay bug when transitioning to a new scan phase.
1.14.1 - 2022/05/11
Improved scanning speed for South Africa Driver's License.
Add rotating UI cutout for South Africa Driver's License second phase.
1.14.0 - 2022/05/05
Added support for the following documents:
Philippines Identification card
Changes to Document enum:
1.13.2 - 2022/04/28
Added support for the following documents:
South Africa Driver's License
Changes to Document enum:
1.12.0 - 2022/03/30
Build artifact moved to Please refer to get started.
1.11.0 - 2022/01/14
to SybrinIdentityConfiguration.Builder.
1.10.1 - 2022/02/14
Improved auditing and performance measuring.
1.10.0 - 2022/01/27
Added enablePartialScanning for Philippines documents.
1.9.1 - 2022/01/17
Updated dependencies.
1.9.0 - 2022/01/14
to Philippines Firearms License Model.Added
to Philippines Firearms License Model.Added
to Philippines Firearms License Model.Added
to Philippines Firearms License Model.Made qualification, date approved and other licenses in Philippines Firearms License Model optional.
Updated dependencies.
1.8.3 - 2021/11/25
Fixed bug where Philippines Unified Multipurpose ID was not scanning.
1.8.2 - 2021/11/11
Improved cropping for South Africa ID
1.8.1 - 2021/11/09
Fixed South Africa ID animation
Allowed getPortraitBackImage() to return null
Made setOverlayBrandingTitleText default value an empty string in
Made setOverlayBrandingSubtitleText default value an empty string in
Made enableMultiPhaseVerification() default value false
1.8.0 - 2021/10/21
1.7.2 - 2021/10/18
Added support for phones that do not have access to google services
Improved South Africa visas performance
Updated dependencies
1.7.1 - 2021/10/07
Fixed issues with Philippine passport
1.7.0 - 2021/10/04
Added support for the following documents:
South Africa Study Visa
South Africa Relatives Visa
Changes to Document enum:
Added SouthAfricaStudyVisa
Added SouthAfricaRelativesVisa
Changes to PhilippinesProfessionalRegulationCommissionCardModel:
Made date issued optional
Made date of birth optional
Improved South Africa visas performance
Updated dependencies
1.6.0 - 2021/09/14
Changes to Document enum:
Added GenericDocument
Added GenericIDCard
Added the following types to Document Types:
1.5.0 - 2021/09/03
to PhilippinesSeafarerIdentificationRecordBookModelRenamed SouthAfricaRetirementVisaModel to SouthAfricaRetiredPersonVisaModel
Changes to SouthAfricaGeneralWorkVisaModel:
Renamed the getter function
Renamed the getter function
Changes to SouthAfricaRetiredPersonVisaModel:
Renamed the getter function
Renamed the getter function
Changes to SouthAfricaStudyPermitModel
Renamed the getter function
Renamed the getter function
Changes to SouthAfricaVisitorsVisaModel
Renamed the getter function
Renamed the getter function
Changes to Document enum:
Renamed SouthAfricaRetirementVisa to SouthAfricaRetiredPersonVisa
1.4.0 - 2021/09/01
Added support for the following documents:
South Africa General Work Visa
South Africa Retirement Visa
South Africa Study Permit
South Africa Visitors Visa
Changes to Document enum:
Added SouthAfricaStudyPermit
Added SouthAfricaVisitorsVisa
Added the following types to Document Types:
1.3.1 - 2021/08/24
Made the sex parameter optional for the PhilippinesUnifedMultipurposeID document.
Improved the scanning performance of the Philippines driver's license.
1.3.0 - 2021/08/20
Added support for the following documents:
Changes to Document enum:
Added AngolaPassport
Added BangladeshPassport
Added BotswanaPassport
Added EgyptPassport
Added EthiopiaPassport
Added GenericPassport
Added LesothoPassport
Added MauritiusPassport
Added NamibiaPassport
Added NigeriaPassport
Added PakistanPassport
Added SomaliaPassport
Added TanzaniaPassport
Added ZambiaPassport
1.2.1 - 2021/08/18
Renamed the getter function
in the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel
1.2.0 - 2021/08/17
Improved the scanning performance of the Philippines driver's license.
Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.Removed the
getter from the PhilippinesDriversLicenseModel.
1.1.5 - 2021/08/13
Discontinued the use of custom snack bars to further support new Android OS Versions.
1.1.4 - 2021/08/12
Fixed issue where displaying a snack bar would crash on devices running android 11 and up.
1.1.3 - 2021/08/09
Optimized scanning of Philippines documents.
1.1.2 - 2021/07/28
Fixed spelling mistakes
Updated old dependencies
Fixed compatibility issues with Biometrics SDK
Change Philippines unified multipurpose ID sex parameter data type from String to Sex
Change Philippines philhealth document sex parameter data type from String to Sex
Change Philippines seafarer identification record book sex parameter data type from String to Sex
1.1.1 - 2021/07/28
Improved Philippines Unified Multi-purpose ID Document Scanning performance
1.1.0 - 2021/07/27
Added Philippines Firearms License Document
Added Philippines Integrated Bar ID Document
Added Philippines PhilHealth Insurance Card Document
Added Philippines Postal ID Document
Added Philippines Professional Regulation Commission Card Document
Added Philippines Seafarer Identification Document
Added Philippines Seafarer Identification Record Book Document
Added Philippines Social Security ID Document
Added Philippines Unified Multi-purpose ID Document
1.0.5 - 2021/05/24
Increased minSdkVersion from 21 to 23
Change SDK module name from "identitysdk" to "identity"
Fixed bug where it was possible to scan a South African Passport in the first phase of the South African ID Card scanning process
1.0.4 - 2021/04/19
Initial release.
Last updated
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