Release Notes
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2.1.1 - 2024/08/26
Public access for document back images
2.1.0 - 2024/08/08
Image Quality Assessment to analyse the quality of images before data extraction.
Issues with inconsistent state when capturing images and performing image quality assessment.
2.0.0 - 2024/06/07
OpenCV For on-device Image Processing.
Document cropping feature to allow automatic document detection and manual cropping.
Image quality guidelines on the document capture activity.
Upgraded Android Gradle Plugin to version 8.4.1
Upgraded Project JDK to JAVA_VERSION_17
Upgraded Compile SDK and Target SDK versions to 34
Upgraded Min SDK version to 27
Migrated camera to CameraX
Rewrote the core app in Kotlin
Introduced dependency injection using dagger
Moved from the ScanPlan Architecture to a Usecase Architecture
New Gradle version enables R8 full mode optimization by default
Rewrote all the UI components using Jetpack compose
Null models being returned from certain documents
Dependency conflicts with certain versions of Okhttp3
Inconsistent states when capturing images
Last updated