Summary of version compatibility between different Identity and Biometrics versions for projects that use both SDKs
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Summary of version compatibility between different Identity and Biometrics versions for projects that use both SDKs
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1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.2 - 1.3.4
1.3.1 and Lower
1.3.1 and Lower
1.3.1 and Lower
1.3.1 and Lower
1.3.1 and Lower