
A class derived from DocumentModel containing details specific to the South Africa Student Permit document


@objc final public class SouthAfricaStudyPermitModel : DocumentModel {
    @objc public final var names: String? { get }
    @objc public final var passportNumber: String? }
    @objc public final var numberOfEntries: String? }
    @objc public final var validFrom: Date? { get }
    @objc public final var dateOfExpiry: Date? { get }
    @objc public final var issuedAt: String? { get }
    @objc public final var controlNumber: String? }
    @objc public final var barcodeData: String? }
    override final public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

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Public variables

Public methods

Public variables


@objc final public var barcodeData: String? { get }

Example: LQQBC7D

Data found within the document's barcode.


@objc final public var controlNumber: String? { get }

Example: AA0064341

The document's control number as specified on the South Africa General Work Visa.


@objc final public var dateOfExpiry: Date? { get }

Example: 2020-08-29

The date of expiry of the visa as specified on the South Africa General Work Visa.


@objc final public var issuedAt: String? { get }


The location that the visa was issued at.


@objc final public var names: String? { get }

Example: John P Smith

The names and surnames of the subject as specified on the South Africa General Work Visa.


@objc final public var numberOfEntries: String? { get }

Example: Multiple

The number of entries as specified on the South Africa General Work Visa.


@objc final public var passportNumber: String? { get }

Example: BA0934030

The document's passport number.


@objc final public var validFrom: Date? { get }

Example: 2020-08-29

The date of issue of the visa as specified on the South Africa General Work Visa.

Public methods

encode(to encoder: Encoder)

override final public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

This function also calls its super function

Encodes the model using the encoder provided. Used to convert the model to JSON.

See also

Last updated