
A class derived from GreenBookModel containing details specific to the South Africa green book document


@objc final public class SouthAfricaGreenBookModel : GreenBookModel {
    @objc final public var identityNumberDateOfBirth: Date? { get }
    @objc final public var identityNumberSex: Sex { get }
    @objc final public var identityNumberCitizenship: CitizenshipType { get }
    @objc final public var identityNumberADigit: Int { get }
    @objc final public var identityNumberCheckDigit: Int { get }
    override final public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

Only relevant details are shown, boilerplate or standard Swift generated code is omitted


Public variables

Public methods


The following validation and verification applies to this document:

Check digit validation

Public variables


@objc final public var identityNumberDateOfBirth: Date? { get }

Example: 1988/01/23

The date of birth for the South African identity number.


@objc final public var identityNumberSex: Sex { get }

Example: Sex.Male

The sex for the South African identity number.


@objc final public var identityNumberCitizenship: CitizenshipType { get }

Example: CitizenshipType.Citizen

The citizenship type for the South African identity number.


@objc final public var identityNumberADigit: Int { get }

Example: 8

The A digit for the South African identity number.


@objc final public var identityNumberCheckDigit: Int { get }

Example: 8

The check digit for the South African identity number.

Public methods

encode(to encoder: Encoder)

override final public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

This function also calls its super function

Encodes the model using the encoder provided. Used to convert the model to JSON.

See also

Last updated