Get Started

The Sybrin Identity Web SDK can be used to run data extraction on identity documents. Implementing the web SDK is as easy as dropping and referencing the relevant files into your project, then simply using the JavaScript API or the web components supplied by the SDK. In this section we will focus on how to get the Sybrin Identity Web SDK into your project.

Before you begin

Please ensure that you have acquired an API key and endpoints from Sybrin.

Web UI

Please ensure that you have the following essential files:

  • sybrin.identity.js

  • sybrin.common.js

  • All files and folders under assets/samples

The following are optional files:

  • index.css

  • index.html

  • index.js

If you are using Typescript, you may make use of the typings found under the src folder.

Middleware Service

The Identity web SDK supports the usage of a middleware service. The SDK includes a pre-built companion service, but may also be configured to connect to a custom service if you wish to implement your own.

If you wish to make use of the pre-built companion service, please ensure that you have the following essential files:

  • All middleware DLLs

  • appsettings.release.json

  • log4net.config


You must have a DotNet-5-ready hosting environment of your choosing (such as IIS or Azure).

Please ensure that you have all backend API files as listed above.

Deploy the files as a new web application on the hosting environment.

Set configuration options in the appsettings file as desired.

Follow steps required to enable the web application for hosting as per the environment of your choosing.


If your solution uses other Sybrin web SDKs alongside Identity, you are only required to include one instance of sybrin.common.js (either from this SDK or from any other Sybrin SDK that provides the sybrin.common.js file), alongside sybrin.identity.js to be able to take full advantage of the Identity features that the SDK offers.

Project structure

The Sybrin Identity Web SDK is configurable and does not require a specific project structure. You may drop the required files into the root of the project as provided or you can change the folder structure and file locations.

Referencing the web SDK

To load the web SDK and its modules, simply add the relevant script tags with references to the Identity JavaScript files to the HTML file of your project:

<script src="sybrin.common.js"></script>
<script src="sybrin.identity.js"></script>

The above example assumes the library files are located at the root of your project. These can be added to the <head> tag or the <body> tag according to preference.


You are now ready and all set up to use the Sybrin Identity Web SDK! Check out all the Identity Features

Last updated

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