Get Started

Sybrin Biometrics makes use of cocoapods dependency manager for distributing our SDK. If you are not familiar with cocoapods, or require assistance in using cocoapods, visit

Adding the Pod

If you don’t have an existing Podfile, run the following command to create one:

$ pod init

Add the following lines to your Podfile:

source ''
source ''

Finally, run the following command:

$ pod install

Remember to use the .xcworkspace from now on, to open your project in XCode!

Updating the Pod

If you would like to update Sybrin Biometrics, in the future, use the following terminal command:

$ pod update Sybrin.iOS.Biometrics

Visit Release Notes to see the latest version!

Next Steps

You can now open your project using the .xcworkspace as indicated by cocoapods.

Disabling Bitcode

Sybrin Biometrics requires bitcode to be disabled. This can be configured in the Build Settings:

Adding permissions

Sybrin Biometrics requires the camera permission, to capture biometric information. Add the Privacy - Camera Usage Description property to your Info.plist file

Initializing the configuration

Before using any of the Biometrics SDK features, you will need to initialize an instance of the SybrinBiometricsConfiguration class and set the SybrinBiometrics.shared.configuration property.

import Sybrin_iOS_Biometrics

Check out Biometrics Configuration for all the available customisation options!

Setting the SybrinBiometrics.shared.configuration property should only happen once. Trying to set the property after a configuration has already been set will fail.

You can still make changes to the configuration object after it was set, but you can't set a new configuration.


You are now ready and setup to use Sybrin Biometrics! Check out all the Biometrics Features!

Last updated