Philippines Drivers License
CountryCode: 'PHL'
Required Images
FrontImage: Yes BackImage: No
Return Model
The following properties will be returned for this model:
Name | Data Type | Description |
Names | String | The first and middle names of the subject as extracted from the card. |
LastName | String | The last name of the subject as extracted from the card. |
Nationality | String | The nationality country code of the subject as extracted from the card. |
Sex | String | The sex of the subject as extracted from the card. |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | The date of birth of the subject as extracted from the card. |
Weight | Float | The weight of the subject as extracted from the card. |
Height | Float | The height of the subject as extracted from the card. |
Address | String | The address of the subject as extracted from the card. |
LicenseNumber | String | The license number as extracted from the card. |
ExpirationDate | DateTime | The date of expiry of the card as extracted from the card. |
AgencyCode | String | The agency code as extracted from the card. |
BloodType | String | The blood type of the subject as extracted from the card. This value can be empty or null because it is sometimes not included on the document. |
EyeColor | String | The eye color of the subject as extracted from the card. |
Restrictions | String | The restrictions as extracted from the card. |
Conditions | String | The conditions as extracted from the card. |
FrontImageSecurityCheckSuccess | Boolean | Indicates whether the front image was verified or not. |
FaceDetection | An array collection of all the faces that were detected and extracted from the images. |
Last updated