Passive Liveness

This step is for checking liveness and capturing the user's selfie.

It appears as follows:

Clicking the "View Our Privacy Policy" button will launch a window to view the privacy policy in. This window can be configured by editing the privacy-policy.html file located in the assets folder.

Clicking the "View Guidelines" button will launch a window to view selfie capture guidelines in.

Clicking "Next" will proceed to the next stage of the step.

If the user has multiple viable video input devices for selfie capture, a device select screen will be shown. It appears as follows:

The "Next" button will remain disabled until a device has been selected. Selection is confirmed upon clicking the "Next" button and then the flow will proceed to the next stage of the step: the capture screen.

The capture screen appears as follows

The user's camera will start and the component will display a video feed while waiting for the user to center their face inside the oval.

Clicking "Cancel" will stop selfie capture and navigate back to the previous screen.

Upon successful face detection, a picture and then a three second video will be taken. The UI sends both to the backend for selfie verification, then navigates to the next step upon receiving a result.

Backend API Step Configuration

The following backend API configuration options under "Steps" influence this screen:

"PassiveLiveness": {
  "Enabled": true,
  "Order": 3,
  "TimesRepeatable": -1,
  "HighRiskRepeatCount": -1,
  "NestProcessID": "",
  "NestMicroflowName": "",
  "IntegrationMode": 0,
  "IntegrationEndpoint": ""

Please see the backend API step configuration section for more details on each property.

Other Backend API Configuration

The following backend API configuration options also influence this step:

  • BiometricsTokenLifetimeMinutes

  • PassiveLivenessParamName

  • BiometricsApiKey

  • BiometricsAuthorizationEndpoint

  • PassiveLivenessEndpoint

  • SuppressSpoofSelfies

Please see the relevant configuration option descriptions under the Backend API section for details on each property.

Last updated