ID Document Photo
"ID Document Photo" is a state node that can be found under the "Onboarding" section in the Sybrin Journey-Time Orchestrator
The node has the following appearance in the palette:

When added to a workflow, the default label becomes "Onboarding: ID Document Photo"

This node requires a corresponding handler/interpreter for the config it provides in the consuming application. This is because state nodes provide state updates with corresponding configuration, and the consuming application needs to be able to handle the provided information accordingly. Sybrin Web Onboarding has the required framework in place to handle the output of this node.
Upon opening the configuration screen for the node, the following appears:
General Tab
The general tab contains the primary configuration settings for the ID Document Photo node, designed for users to configure according to their business needs. Here's an overview of the properties that can be set:
Camera direction priority
This field determines the camera direction that will be prioritized upon video feed initialization. Options:
None: No direction is prioritized and the user will be presented with an option to choose a camera.
Front: The front-facing camera is prioritized, meaning if one (and only one) front-facing camera is detected it will automatically be used. If multiple front-facing cameras are detected, the user will be presented with an option to choose a camera.
Back: The back-facing camera is prioritized, meaning if one (and only one) back-facing camera is detected it will automatically be used. If multiple back-facing cameras are detected, the user will be presented with an option to choose a camera.
Capture mode
This field sets the capture mode behavior of the device's camera. Options:
Manual: The camera is set to manual capture mode, meaning the user has to press a button to take the photo.
Auto: The camera is set to automatic capture mode, meaning the device will automatically attempt to detect when a document is in frame and clearly visible.
Disable camera capture
This field specifies whether the camera capture functionality should be disabled. Options:
Yes: Camera capture is disabled.
No: Camera capture is not disabled.
Enable mobile capture SMS
This field determines if the option to send an SMS containing link to continue the session remotely is enabled during mobile capture. Options:
Yes: Enables the Send SMS button for mobile capture.
No: Disables the Send SMS button for mobile capture.
Return cropped images
This field allows the user to specify if the backend API should return cropped images. Returning these will result in the cropped images being displayed. Options:
Yes: Cropped images will be returned.
No: Cropped images will not be returned.
Image type
This field allows the user to set the target image type for ID document photo uploads. Options:
Jpeg: The image type is set to JPEG, meaning that the application will attempt to convert any uploaded images to JPEG.
Original: The original image type is used, meaning that the application will accept the original image type and not attempt conversion.
Enable upload
This field specifies whether the upload functionality is enabled. Options:
Yes: Enables the upload functionality.
No: Disables the upload functionality.
Privacy policy presentation mode
This field sets how the privacy policy is presented to the user. Options:
Embedded: The terms and conditions will be loaded in an embedded mode. For the Sybrin Web Onboarding product, this means a file that is embedded within the backend service will be loaded and shown in a separate window.
External: The terms and conditions will be loaded by redirecting to an external source, loaded in a new tab. If this option is selected, the user is also required to configure a terms URL.
Privacy policy URL
The URL that the user will be redirected to in a new tab when they click the button to view the privacy policy. This property is required if the Privacy Policy Presentation Mode is set to "External". This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for string, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Advanced Tab
The contents of the advanced tab encompass configurations that users typically won't need to modify unless it is necessary to address specific requirements within their business scenario. For the ID Document Photo node (corresponding to the capture document screen), this encapsulates configuration relating to how the capture document screen will behave in terms of stream retries, file upload size limits and exposure thresholds.
Media stream retry count
This field sets the number of times the media stream should retry on failure. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Media stream retry delay
This field specifies the delay in milliseconds before retrying the media stream. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Max upload file size
This field determines the maximum file size allowed for uploads in bytes. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Underexposed value
This field sets the grayscale RGB value (0-255) that a pixel's color must be less than in order to be considered underexposed. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Overexposed value
This field sets the grayscale RGB value (0-255) that a pixel's color must be larger than in order to be considered overexposed. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Underexposed threshold
This field sets the percentage of underexposed pixels that should be present for an image to be considered underexposed. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Overexposed threshold
This field sets the percentage of overexposed pixels that should be present for an image to be considered overexposed. This property is provided in the form of a typed input with options for number, message, flow, global, expression or environment variable.
Metadata Tab
The metadata tab contains configuration relating to metadata values that the user may, under rare circumstances, want to set. For the ID Document Photo node, this encapsulates the node's name.
A free text field that sets the node's name. Modifying this value is rarely necessary, but can prove beneficial for logging and debugging, as it allows for the establishment of a user-friendly name separator in cases where the flow incorporates multiple ID Document Photo nodes.
Node Tab
The node tab contains some basic read-only information related to the node, along with audits and logging configuration. For details, please see the Tabs page.
For details regarding the input values generally expected by Sybrin nodes, please see the Inputs section.
By default, the ID Document Photo node does not require any particular property values to function. It takes a single message input and expects it to be a JSON object.
For details regarding the output values generally provided by Sybrin nodes, please see the Outputs section.
Since ID Document Photo is a state node, it will push an entry into the
array. This entry contains all configuration info that the screen requires to render.
The following is an example of the state change instance that can be expected for this node:
Handled Exceptions
The following handled exceptions can occur on the node:
Configuration Missing
Configuration Invalid
Input Data Missing
Input Data Malformed
Server Data Missing
Server Data Malformed
For error handling details, please see the Error Handling page.